Friday, October 28, 2011


I have had an igoogle page for years, but I hardly ever looked at it. It ran along the lines of who has time for this? My view is changing about this site. I didn't realize that you could do great things with the box of links. I see the advantage of using this page to quickly get to places I usually just left in my browser tabs on different browser windows, which created a lot of different windows with a long list of tabs. It got very messy.

This will "clean up my act". I feel the relief and security of order and a systematic way of doing things. It's a wonderful feeling.

As I am surfing time goes by and I am losing it. It is so easy to get lost in time, in cyberspace. I'll look at the clock and hours have gone by. Is this a good thing? Am I adding value to my life? I know that the house isn't always getting cleaned, the lawn doesn't get mowed, right now, I am NOT shoveling that snow that is falling now. 

Falling snow before Halloween? First time in 60 years. I should be planting my bulbs, not shoveling!!!! So, here I sit, trying to do my assignments and losing time. What about my plan book? What about that stupid grade book? They are not getting done. 

Mom calls and finally wants to try Skype, but she doesn't have the latest version so I can't see her screen, but she can see mine. What a break-through, before the newer versions of Skype, I had to imagine and remember what someone else's screen would look like. Now, I can share screen and walk my mom or dad, or whomever through what they want to do. 

Technoclown solves cyberspace problems! And, the parents can see what I can do. Yeah!

I just love what we can be capable of doing now. But, the question still remains, when will I do my plan book, grade book, and shovel snow? I say never, but, reality will change that.

Here are my screen shots for the three tabs I created. 

Home with Facebook and Twitter

FSO/AR with the box of links for Google and Tools and the box of links for Capstone

Resources with box of links for Lynda Training and box of links for ETC Resources

All images are my own via screen shot.

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