Saturday, November 5, 2011


Hello World!
What a week! Shoveling snow, dealing with my students who seemed to really off this week, getting ready for teacher convention and trying to keep up with my Master’s work. Here I sit trying to get this together. Blog 1 for iMovie.

I thought I didn’t have any good footage. I just lost one of my cats suddenly, he was twelve and he just sort-of wound down in a couple of days and caught me off guard. I had forgotten that right before I saw my son this summer, I took some video of the cats for him to see. Jr. is the starting figure, and then I move on to the other cats. What a relief, I actually have something I look forward to working on.

Viewing footage and happy I recorded Jr.

I have been using iMovie ’08 because I am a devoted mac user, I have always had a mac, and so I didn’t need to get a new mac from Full Sail when we started the program. I watched others do their iMovie’s and I thought, wow, how’d they do that? There were some really cool things going on. But I was just starting to work with iMovie ’08 and I didn’t want to complicate things.

I considered buying iMovie ’11. Yes, it seems to do more, no, why change now, it’s basic and that’s all you need. Then we received this assignment and we had to watch the Lynda videos. Oh, what the heck, it was only about $15.00. Wowzers! I am really glad I did upgrade. This is completely different and takes movie making to a really great level for the average person.

I have learned that the bar that moves is called a scrubber. I am really happy that the original movie doesn’t get altered when you are editing. That was an issue with the older iPhoto. You would have to copy the picture, and then work on it. That took too much time, so I went to a different photo-editing program.

I have added the title and want to see if I like the film template.

There is an icon to grab live video from my eye-sight camera. I was filming myself in Photo Booth before. This is much easier. If my playback starts to skip or lag, I can change the playback from HD to standard, I could go on and on about all the great things. I’ll save that for the next installment.

For now, I start by adding the title and testing out the film template.

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